The people who walked in darkness saw a great light

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the speaker discusses the messianic and evangelistic nature of the book of Isaiah, particularly focusing on Chapter 9, which speaks about the darkness of humanity and the light and glory that comes with the birth of Jesus Christ. The speaker emphasizes that without Christ, humanity is in a state of darkness, death, oppression, and despair, but that the coming of Christ brings hope, redemption, and life. The speaker also notes that even today, there are still segments of humanity and entire nations that are living in darkness and oppression, and calls for prayer for these situations.

The speaker talks about the darkness and hopelessness in some nations, such as North Korea, and how Christ wants to enter and change those realities. He urges the audience to invite Christ into their lives, to affirm their faith, and remember that they are children of light. He also invites those who have not yet accepted Christ to do so. Some members of the audience raise their hands to do so, and the speaker blesses them. He ends by singing a Christmas hymn about Christ leaving his throne to be born for us, and invites the audience to confess it with him.

Let's go to the word of the Lord in the Gospel according to Isaiah, and I say the Gospel according to Isaiah because the book of Isaiah is an extremely messianic and evangelistic book, it is a book that hundreds of years before Jesus was born was already prophesying the coming of Christ to the world. So we can say that it is definitely one more Gospel, one of the five Gospels we could almost say. And there in the book of Isaiah, Chapter 9, we go the first verses. My brother and colleague Gregory is going to translate, starting with the first few verses, and notice here as I read the theme of darkness, darkness on the one hand and light and glory on the other. And that's the message of Christmas. The darkness is invaded by the light of God.

“…But there will not always be darkness for those who are now in anguish, such as the affliction that came to them in the time that they lightly touched the land of Zabulon and the land of Naphtali the first time, for in the end the path will be filled with glory from the sea on that side of the Jordan in Galilee of the Gentiles... ─ and here comes one of the most important parts of this passage ─ … The people who walked in darkness saw great light…”

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