The church has a responsibility to reconcile the world to God

Andrés Cisterna
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage in Second Corinthians 5:17-20 speaks of the ministry of reconciliation, which is the responsibility of the Church to bring people closer to God. Reconciliation means restoring a relationship, and in this case, it is restoring the relationship between man and God. To do this, we must examine our conscience, feel contrition for our sins, repent, and confess our faith in Jesus Christ. The Church is the only institution that can bring man closer to God, and we must work to fulfill this mission. To be an ambassador for God's promises, we must be in Christ, live a new life, leave old things behind, and model a new life structure. God has promises for those who practice and project the ministry of reconciliation, and we must spread the message of reconciliation urgently.

The prayer acknowledges the importance of God's word in guiding us and the mission of the church to represent the interests of God's Kingdom on earth. It asks for the message of reconciliation to spread through the internet and for the church to rise up in favor of reconciling man with God. The prayer ends with a call to sing a song about the beauty of the Lord.

I want to invite you to open your Bible to the book of Second Corinthians, chapter 5, verses 17 to 20. It is a word that has attracted a lot of attention in my life because the day we accepted Jesus Christ we were eyewitnesses of what this word means In us. And I say that we were eyewitnesses because we have somehow lived what is written here. But it also calls our attention that now it is up to us to lead others to this process of reconciliation before the Lord. Second book of Corinthians in chapter 5, verse 17 to 20, says in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit:

“…So if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature. Old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new. And all this comes from God who reconciled us – tell your brother who is next to you, the Lord has reconciled with me – and all this comes from the fact that he reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation…”

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