The challenge of growing through worship

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: Worshiping God is not just about music and singing beautiful songs, but about putting our spirit in tune with the Spirit of God and responding fully to His grace and presence. The first step in learning to worship God is to draw close to Him as we are and establish a true friendship with Him through the gospel. Adoration is total surrender to Christ and throwing our crown of pride before Him so that only He may be exalted. Worship should transform us and make us grow, and if it does not, we may have celebrated but not truly worshiped the Lord.

Worship changed my life, awakened in my heart a vital need that I have never abandoned again. Worshiping God changed the perspectives of my religious feelings, made me grow and experience His presence in an ostensible way. Years ago the worship minister of the church I attended asked me: - Would you like to be part of the praise and worship group? - I always thought that I could be useful and serve in any other ministry, but in worship, with barely 55 years in the ribs and so much young talent in the church? I felt that the invitation came from God and I joined the group for more than three years. From that platform, week after week, I learned that worship is only a matter of the heart. I also learned that worship is not just about music and singing beautiful songs to the Lord.

The worship of the living God is one of the Christian privileges that will last forever. It is putting our spirit in tune with the Spirit of God, it is responding fully to the manifestations of His grace and presence. We praise him for what he has done, does and will do; We worship Him for who He is: holy, wonderful, glorious, worthy of all honor and honor! There are no formulas or recipes to worship, but rather those that God's own Word dictates to us: in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), offering us as a living sacrifice in spiritual adoration (Ro 12: 1). So did Job, who in the midst of trial and suffering expressed: "I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will triumph over death." (Job 19.25). An expression of authentic worship if we meditate on Job's tribulations; and a prophetic word that was fulfilled on the cross of Calvary.

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