We have to get out of our comfort zone

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In praying for Ana, we must be bold and desperate like the Cyrophoenician woman who approached Jesus Christ. Sometimes we must come to the Lord as a last and first resort, like the blind beggar Bartimaeus who shouted for healing until the Lord stopped to heal him. God honors and responds to the behavior of those who come before Him with boldness and persistence, like the woman with the issue of blood who violated Jewish law to touch Jesus' cloak and receive healing. The Lord wants us to continually knock on His door and be insistent, to come before Him with trust and obedience, and to risk our public image and privacy for Him. Women and humble people can change the culture and agenda, as seen in the Cyrophoenician woman and the woman with the issue of blood. The Lord is Lord over all dimensions of reality, including demons, and we should not fear them but rebuke them with all authority in the Name of Jesus.

The story of the Cyrophoenician woman in Mark 7:24-30 teaches us about the power of a desperate and imperfect faith. This woman was not a Jew or an evangelical, but she had heard about Jesus and believed that He had power and mercy. She approached Him with humility and persistence, even arguing with Him to grant her request. Jesus was moved by her faith and healed her daughter.

The passage also shows us that God honors those who are bold and daring in their faith, who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and risk their public image for Him. We should not be afraid to pray desperately and persistently, even if it means going against the norm or being seen as crazy by others. God likes it when we believe enough to take risks and be obedient to His will.

Furthermore, the passage highlights the importance of women in the history of faith. Despite the cultural norms of her time, this woman's faith and persistence changed the agenda of heaven and led to her daughter's healing. Women of faith have the power to change culture and history, and we should celebrate and honor them.

This sermon talks about the woman with the issue of blood and the Cyrophoenician woman who changed the agenda and intervened in the dialogue between man and God. The sermon emphasizes the importance of faith, adoration, dedication, intensity, recognition of the Lordship of Christ, humility, abandonment to His Will, cry, and urgency in prayer. The woman with the issue of blood and the Cyrophoenician woman are examples of how to approach God with faith and urgency. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of sowing the Gospel message so that people can hear about Jesus and come to Him. Finally, the sermon encourages believers to be brave and insistent in their prayers and to cry out before God.

The speaker discusses the importance of persistent prayer and using the Word of God as a tool in prayer. They use the example of a woman who asked Jesus to heal her daughter, even though she was not Jewish and Jesus initially refused. The woman persisted, using a clever argument that even little dogs get crumbs from the table, and Jesus was impressed with her faith and granted her request. The speaker emphasizes the importance of studying the Word of God, asking for wisdom, and using legal arguments in prayer. They suggest that through prayer, we can access the power of God to do incredible things and overcome obstacles.

The story is about a woman who comes to Jesus to ask for help for her demon-possessed daughter. Jesus tells her that his mission is to help the Jews first, but the woman persists, saying even dogs eat the crumbs from the table. Jesus is impressed by her faith and heals her daughter. The message is that we should have faith and persistence in prayer, and God can do miraculous things in our lives. The story also invites those who do not know Jesus to make a public surrender to him and become part of his family.

I want to affirm the declarations that we have made in prayer and that appeal that we have made to the Lord here on this desperate and daring afternoon, I can say it like this. At some point in my prayer the Cyrophoenician woman came out to me and I felt the spirit of that woman affirm, and remember what is behind that text of Scripture found in Mark chapter 7 in verse 24, and encourage all of us to be bold before God.

The Lord says to come boldly before the Throne of grace; sometimes you have to come to the Lord desperately, you have to come to the Lord as a last and first resort, you have to come to God like those beings that we see in Scripture recorded as: “Lord, son of David, have mercy on me! ” and the people told him: shut up, the Lord does not have that on the agenda, but Bartimaeus shouted even harder until the Lord stopped, brought him into His Presence and healed him, and he left carrying his sheet that he used as a safety net. Sometimes the homeless have their bundles and their things there, the sheet that a blind man or a beggar used to sit on is like the house, and that sheet that had supported him now he takes it with him as a declaration of the God who He has released so that he can see, he left his cloak of security, he left it to come before the Lord and receive healing from God, and sometimes we have to be like that.

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