We are the hands of God

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker shares an experience he had at a vigil advocating for immigrant rights. He was asked to speak from a spiritual perspective and prayed, asking God to handle the situation, but was surprised when a senator spoke after him and said, "Yes, God everything is in your hands but we are your hands." The speaker reflects on the idea that we are collaborators with God and each have unique gifts and characteristics that contribute to God's plan. He emphasizes the importance of continuing to sow seeds and water them, even if we do not see immediate growth, and that God will not forget about us even if we do not respond to His call right away. The speaker encourages listeners to remember that we are God's hands in the world and to continue collaborating with God to bless others.

Sometimes when we feel like we are in a spiritual desert, it may actually be a break that God is giving us to recharge our batteries and to assimilate all the things that He has revealed to us beforehand. We should be thankful for these deserts and use the time to meditate, pray, and seek God's guidance. We are collaborators with God, and we should remember that we are the hands of God, serving to fulfill His purpose in our lives and in the lives of others. We should pray for God's protection and mercy, and lift up those who are struggling.

First Corinthians Chapter 3. I'm going to read a verse here that captures the idea of something I want to share with you. Verse 9, look how this verse says; What's more, we are going to read them all in unison, let them know if we have it there in their bibles. We are going to get very traditional here read all at the same time. They were waiting for the text to be put up there. No one had opened the Bible, I know everything. Marlene they are putting pressure up there now. People have gotten used to it, you have to put the text on them now. OK.

It says: 'Because we are God's collaborators and you are God's farm, God's building'. Look at it there, let's all read it at the same time. Verse 9. Okay.

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