Sin will have no dominion over us

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: God never stops loving His chosen ones, but He will turn away from His wrath. He loves because it's His nature, but He frowns when necessary for our good. He will have compassion on our afflictions and defeat our iniquities. He will bury our sins deep in the sea, where they will disappear and be forgotten. Hallelujah!

God never turns away from His love, but He soon turns away from His wrath. His love for His chosen ones is according to His nature, but His anger is only according to His office: He loves because it is love, and He frowns because it is necessary for our good. He will return to the place where His heart rests, that is, His love for His own, and then He will have compassion on our afflictions and will put an end to them.

What a special promise this is: "He will bury our iniquities!" He will defeat them. They seek to enslave us, but the Lord, with His own right hand, will give us victory over them. Like the Canaanites, they will be defeated, put under the yoke, and in the end they will be suppressed.

As for the guilt of our sins, how gloriously is it removed! "All our sins": the whole army of them; "cast": only an almighty arm could perform such a marvel; "deep in the sea": where Pharaoh and his chariots sank. Not in the shallow parts, where the tide could bring them to the surface, but "in the deep" our sins will be submerged. They have all disappeared. They sank like a stone to the bottom. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.Ć³n.pdf

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