If you have inherited a desert, ask God for a source

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The story of Caleb's daughter Achsa in Joshua 15 and Judges 1 teaches us that each of us has an inheritance, but it may be a desert that needs sources of life to bear fruit. We need to ask God for the sources we need to make our inheritance fruitful, whether it's in relationships, careers, or personal growth. God loves us and wants us to approach Him with confidence as His sons and daughters. We should take a moment to ask God for what we need and trust that He will provide. Additionally, we can receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior if we haven't already to ensure that we never live without Him.

Thank you, God, for being with us tonight and for all the blessings you have given us. We ask for your continued presence and guidance in our lives. Bless us as we go home and continue to work in our hearts. Thank you for being a generous and attentive Father. Bless my brothers in Jesus' name. Amen.

Joshua chapter 15, verse 16 to 19. I am just telling you something about this word, it is a very simple word, but it is a word that is so important that it appears twice. Here in Joshua and also almost word for word, letter for letter, in Judges, chapter 1. That's weird. It is few times in Scripture that Scripture is repeated word for word, something has this word that the Lord gives us in the book of Joshua and also in the book of Judges. But I confess that I had not even noticed it, until a few months ago the Lord spoke to me and ministered to me deeply through this simple word. And I pray that the Lord will still minister to someone here tonight through this word. Declare the word like this, I will be reading it in the new international version and I ask that you follow it in the version that you have. And he said, Caleb:

“… I will give my daughter Achsa as a wife to the man who attacks and conquers the city of Kiriat-sefer. Then Othniel, son of Cenaz, and nephew of Caleb, − the Reina Valera version says Caleb's brother, but they were relatives – captured Quiriath-sefer and married Achsa. When she arrived, Otoniel convinced her to ask her father for a piece of land. As Achsa dismounted from the donkey Caleb asked him, “What is the matter with you?” “Give me a favor,” she replied, “since you have given me land in the Negev, give me springs as well.” – The Reina Valera says, since you have given me land in the Negev, give me also sources of water − That was how Caleb gave his daughter springs in the highlands and in the lowlands. – The Reina Valera declares, he then gave him the upper and lower sources −…”

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