If Christ gave you life ...

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: Your life depends on your relationship with God. Christ gives you a new identity and erases your past mistakes. Living in the present, Christians must show that their past was a loss and that their success resides in their new identity as a child of God. Knowing Christ gives life and eternal life. As a vessel molded by God, remain in Him and don't let the enemy pigeonhole you. Nothing and no one can separate you from God's love.

Your life depends on your relationship with God. Separated from Him, you can do nothing. Christ gives you a new past and a new future. Your past was left on the cross, your future is eternity with Christ. Before being in Christ, Paul based his identity on his successes… everything that was gain for me, now I consider it loss for Christ's sake. (Phil 3.7). Living under this precept is not only wise, but also fundamental.

If you are already in Christ and you keep clinging to your past, your life will be miserable. Everything is new now, even you. Do not think about your mistakes anymore, Christ erased them. As God has made you a new creation taking from the DNA of his son Christ, live the Christian life with joy and gratitude to the Lord. You are complete. Your spiritual life is everything. Your relationship with God will define the quality of your marriage, your parenthood, and your love for others. Although the enemy of God and the world will insist on reminding you again and again, you are no longer a thief or a liar; not even an adulterer or a murderer. The devil takes care of putting labels on you, God takes them off. The enemy reminds you of your humanity, God your spirituality. In your spirit is your identity: Son of God. No one can take it from you, or erase it from the Book of life.

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