Classic Sermon 6047: Meeting on the High Seas

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In this sermon, the speaker discusses the encounter between Jesus and Simon Peter in Luke 5:1-11. He highlights the personal and intimate nature of Jesus' ministry, and how He leads individuals through a process of growing confrontation and clarity about His power and divinity. The speaker identifies three central stages in the passage: Jesus ministering to the crowd with Peter's help, a personal encounter between Peter and Jesus, and an interpretation of what has happened. He argues that if we obey Jesus' call, He reveals His glory to us, provides for our needs, and gives meaning and purpose to our lives. The speaker emphasizes the great need for people to encounter Jesus in the world today and for believers to share the message of salvation.

The world needs to hear about Jesus and it is the responsibility of Christians to preach the Gospel. Jesus chose to work in partnership with Peter, using his boat to preach to a crowd. Peter represents the defeated man trying to live without God. Modern man is like Peter washing his nets after a night of unsuccessful fishing. Jesus wants to minister to our needs and give us a victorious life, but we must follow the pattern established by Christ for a successful Christian life.

The key to living a victorious Christian life is by following the pattern established by Christ, which is a life of faith. It is not based on feelings or emotions, but on the Word of God. By committing our lives to serving the Lord and giving Him our resources, talents, time, and body, we can experience the power of God in our lives. We must launch ourselves in the name of the Lord, even if we do not know where we are headed, and trust that God will provide along the way. We must also seek the glory of the Lord and surrender our lives to Him. Those who trust in Him will not be put to shame.

We must undertake all things in the name of the Lord, putting Christ as the base and point of support in our lives. This means putting our lives and resources in God's hands and surrendering ourselves to Him. When we do this with integrity, God will bless us abundantly and give us enough to also bless others. We must live a life of investing and giving up our resources for the Lord's use, and in return, we will see God multiply His blessings on us and in us. We must renew our covenant with the Lord and put the seal of delivery on our relationship with Him.

We are going to look, in the Gospel according to Saint Luke, chapter 5, we are going to take verses from 1 to 11. “It happened that while Jesus was next to the lake of Gennesaret, the crowd crowded around him to hear the word of God. And he saw two boats that were near the shore of the lake; and the fishermen, having descended from them, washed their nets. And getting into one of those boats, which belonged to Simon, he begged him to put it away from land a little; and sitting down, he taught the crowd from the boat.

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon: Launch out into the deep, and cast down your nets for a catch. Responding Simon, he said to him: Master, all night we have been working, and we have caught nothing; but at your word I will cast the net. And having done so, they caught a large number of fish, and their net was torn. Then they signaled to their companions who were in the other boat to come and help them; and they came, and filled both boats, in such a way that they sank. And when Simon Peter saw this, he fell on his knees before Jesus, saying: Get away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man. Because of the catch they had made, fear had seized him, and all who were with him, and also James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were Simon's companions. But Jesus said to Simon: Do not be afraid; from now on you will be a fisher of men. And when they brought the boats to land, leaving everything behind, they followed him.

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