Wanted men with feet of clay

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

RESUMEN: We all have feet of clay and are inconsistent in our walk with Christ, but God can still use us as instruments for his glory. The heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 also had feet of clay, but God cared for them and turned them into spiritual giants. We can be heroes of faith, like the prostitute Rahab, by having faith in God and doing what is good as a consequence of that faith. Our feet may be made of clay, but our soul can be a humbled heart that loves the Lord and yearns to serve him. God waits for us, with all our imperfections, to settle on the mighty Rock of Christ. Despite our clay feet, God can still perform the daily miracle of picking us up and guiding us.

For God we all have feet of clay, but even in such a condition we can be useful instruments in the hands of the Lord. This is one of the many lessons that we extract from the Pies de Barro by Dr. Roberto Miranda . We are so fragile, so extremely inconsistent in our walk with Christ, that on many occasions, the good we do with our heads - call it prayer, pious thoughts towards others, the intentions that are born of that good Christian part that is in all of us. -We destroy it with our feet. We fell apart in a quarter of land. But do not be disappointed. The God we love and who loves us knows very well that we walk with feet of clay. The heroes of the faith of Hebrews 11 also, in the great moments of trial, despite that faith that gives them irrefutable credit before us, at times walked with feet of clay. However, God cared for them and turned them into spiritual giants for all generations until today.

The moral is the following: we too, despite our feet of clay, can walk with Christ and in that walk He can use us for his glory on the spiritual plane by giving a testimony of fidelity to his Word and living the gospel without shame. and in a reactive way, impacting this lost world so in need of new heroes of faith. Isn't he a hero of faith, the pious father who, through thick and thin, breaks his back every day to provide for his family in subhuman conditions, trusting only in the only God who owns silver and gold? Do not the many Christian missionaries deserve our honor who, abandoning all comfort, decided to exchange Pepsi Cola for the only water that quenches the thirst of this world, which is the Word of God and offer it to those who need it? Are they not also heroes of the faith? I think so. Examples would abound. But there are men who, rather than having feet of clay, have a Pepsi Cola soul and those can never be heroes of faith for a good part of Christianity today.

Among the heroes of faith with feet of clay that most moves me in the Bible is the prostitute Rahab (Hebrews 11:31), (Joshua 2: 1-24). Her faith in God by hiding the spies sent by Joshua to explore the city of Jericho, later earned her to be counted in the line of descent of our Lord Jesus Christ. His statement: "I know that the Lord and God is the God of gods both in heaven and on earth." (Joshua 2:11) has James in his letter cite her as an example of someone who does what is good as a consequence of his faith. His feet of clay were rooted in the strong tower and his beautiful testimony shines to this day.

The Lord knows us well, He knows of our spiritual lameness and of the external mud with which we smear the soles of our feet to try to leave traces that come from an inveterate ego and that tends to overthrow us in many spiritual battles against the prince of darkness. Well, the feet can continue to be made of clay and even everything else, except the soul, the immaterial covering of a humbled heart that loves the Lord and yearns to serve him. The Lord waits for you, for us, men and women with feet of clay who find a mighty Rock on which to settle them forever and eternity. Since I think about that meeting with the Master, my days are more fruitful because I think less about my feet and more about the road and much, much more about the one who guides me and gives me strength. My clay feet are still like yours, always prone to stumbling and sometimes looking back like Lot's wife, turning me into a pillar of salt at times. But there is a Lord, who is ours, who with feet of clay and everything, also performs the daily miracle of getting us back up. God bless you!

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