Sacrifice of praise

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: Frank Foglio's daughter was severely injured in a car accident and placed in a mental institution, where her condition deteriorated over seven years. Frank's faith in God weakened as he felt anger towards God. However, after being prompted by God to praise him, Frank softened and eventually thanked God for his daughter's situation. When he visited her again, his daughter recognized him and was in her right mind. She was eventually released from the institution and returned home. Frank learned that God wants us to praise him despite difficult circumstances.

At the beginning of his book, Praise Works, Merlin Carothers tells this fascinating story: Frank Foglio, author of Hey, God! And international director of Full Gospel Business Men, he told me one of the most interesting cases of freedom through praise that I have ever heard.

Frank's daughter was injured in a car accident. His skull was severely damaged, and although many thousands of prayers were raised for his restoration, his condition was gradually deteriorating. Eventually, she had to be placed in the "hopeless" custody of an institution for the mentally ill. It was the very end of the process.

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