Pray to the Lord for the peace of this city

Andrés Cisterna
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker shares a portion of the book of Jeremiah, urging people to seek shalom (well-being, justice, mercy, and goodness) for their city or country. They encourage prayer to God for this peace, rather than just seeking help from political leaders. The speaker believes that if people seek and promote shalom, God's blessing will come upon the city or country. They also remind listeners that as children of God, only He has dominance over them and they should serve His creation. The speaker ends with a prayer for shalom to be present in people's lives and in the world.

I want to invite you to read a portion of the word of the Lord, a portion that has had an impact on my life for many years. The book of Jeremiah says, chapter 29, verse 7. I just want to leave this reflection in your heart, because there is a response from the Lord, but in that response from the Lord there is a conduct that his people must begin to practice and propose in this country, in this nation. Says so:

“…And seek the peace of the city to which I had you transported and pray for it to the Lord because in its peace you will have peace, and seek the peace of the city to which I had you transported through it because in its peace you will have you peace…”

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