Resistance to the Word brings the wrath of God

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: God's wrath is a real aspect of His character, and it manifests when people resist His will. The Church needs to understand this and not be intimidated by those who promote sin under the guise of God's love. While God is indeed love, He is also a consuming fire, and there is a place for His wrath and justice. The Church must present the full counsel of God's Word, including the reality of eternal condemnation for those who resist God.

I am struck by this idea of God's wrath. Many times we do not like to think of an angry God. The image we normally prefer is how God is love, the loving God, the tolerant God, the forgiving, patient, compassionate God which is true because that is an element of God's character.

But in the same way the Bible tells us that God is a consuming fire and I think it is important that we understand this because today, one of the strongest arguments of those who promote homosexuality is that God is love and that therefore God accepts all people, God accepts behaviors, that if we love people we must accept them as they are and that if we oppose their behavior we are not expressing God's love, which is a complete misrepresentation of the truth .

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