Recognizing His voice

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The author observes a stray dog that looks sad and dejected until his master arrives and caresses him, causing the dog to come alive with joy. The author compares this to how we can feel lost and downcast until we experience the love and caress of our Lord, who knows us and loves us unconditionally. The author encourages the reader to wait on God and praise Him, who is our salvation and God.

A few days ago, while waiting for the bus, I began to observe a stray dog that remains almost always in that place. He walked from one side to the other, he looked, as we say in Cuba, "burned out." This is synonymous with sick, sad, abandoned, in short, it was the image of desolation. A while passed and suddenly his attitude changed completely, he raised his ears, raised his head and his tail began to move vigorously, I was astonished, since I could not find the cause of this, but it did not take long for the mystery to be revealed to me because advancing towards him, a man stroked his head and patted him on the back. The animal that previously showed a deplorable state, now seemed full of vigor leaping and barking with joy. His master had arrived!

How many of us are familiar with this story?

Other publications related to "Recognizing His voice":

Milagros García Klibansky
Read about the heartwarming story of Dumby the rescue dog and how his qualities of love, gratitude and humility relate to our relationship with God.

Milagros García Klibansky
Reflections on the sincere faith of David and how we can learn from his Psalms to recognize everything in our lives as a gift from God and be good stewards of these blessings.