Who is Jesus for you?
Mercedes López-Miranda(Audio: Español)
In Luke 9:7-9, Herod, the Tetrarch, heard about Jesus and was curious about him. He asked, "Who then is this man?" This question is also asked by others throughout the Gospels, including Jesus himself to his disciples in Luke 9:20. The answer to this question cannot be found in our imagination or intellect, but in the Word of God. The purpose of the Gospels is to teach us who Christ is, and John 20:31 says that they were written so that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and have life in his name. However, many people have different theories about who Jesus is, but it's important to truly know him and not reduce him to an idol or historical figure. We can never stop learning more about who Jesus is until the last day of our lives.
The speaker discusses the importance of understanding who God truly is, rather than having a distorted or contaminated view of him. The speaker shares their own experience of having a wrong concept of God and how they were able to overcome it. They encourage others to actively seek to know God and to help guide children in their spiritual development. The speaker also expresses concern about the negative influence of technology on children's spiritual growth and emphasizes the need to prioritize reading the Bible and prayer.
It is our responsibility to guide children early in their understanding of God and their faith. If we wait too long, it may be harder for them to develop a strong relationship with God. We should teach them about God's love, forgiveness, and power from a young age and help them form their own personal relationship with God based on the Bible.Luke 9, 7 to 9, says: "Herod, the tetrarch, heard of all the things that Jesus did and was perplexed, because some said, John has risen from the dead, others, Elijah has appeared; and others, some prophet of of old has risen. And Herod said, 'I have John beheaded, who then is this of whom I hear such things,' and he sought to see him."
That passage takes place in the middle of Jesus' ministry. The Lord has already spent considerable time walking through all the places, the villages, the towns, the cities, ministering to the needs of the people, teaching them about the truths of the kingdom, the principles of the kingdom, teaching them how to live according to the principles of the kingdom so that they could please the Father, healing the sick, freeing those who were oppressed by evil spirits.