Presentation Women's Retreat June 5, 2010: Success in interpersonal relationships - Part 2

Olga Martinez
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Self-knowledge is crucial for a leader. The way we see ourselves will determine how we see and treat others. A leader must know their level of restoration, how the past influences them, how they manage pain and unresolved conflicts, and their level of emotional maturity. They must also recognize their basic emotion and emotional triggers to manage them properly. A leader must choose between emotional or spiritual leadership, and recognize that the manifestations of the fruit of the Spirit are relationships. Asking for help and admitting mistakes are also important for a leader's growth.

In order to be a good leader, one must be aware of their emotional triggers and defense mechanisms. These triggers can cause reactions towards others that are not their fault. It is important to recognize and manage these emotions, and learn to cast them onto the Lord. Defense mechanisms, such as negation, repression, and projection, can be unconscious and need to be identified and handed over to God. It is also important to understand the personalities of those in your team, and use their strengths appropriately. By scrutinizing our hearts and allowing God to penetrate our unconscious and subconscious, we can mature emotionally and become better leaders.

The speaker discusses different personality types within groups and how to manage difficult individuals. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing negative traits within oneself and accepting others as they are. She also suggests praying for difficult individuals and not engaging in arguments with them. The speaker provides specific strategies for managing different personality types, such as following established rules for antagonistic individuals and stopping gossip by refusing to participate and creating a positive work environment. She also advises not to fight for control with dominant individuals but instead to give them alternatives and maintain one's position as a leader without entering into conflict. Overall, the speaker encourages understanding and acceptance of difficult personalities and finding ways to work together effectively.

The speaker discusses how to handle difficult personalities in a group setting, such as a team or church. They suggest that the key is to understand that these individuals have their own issues and insecurities, and to approach them with empathy and acceptance. The speaker recommends using reverse psychology to encourage non-speaking individuals to share their thoughts, and emphasizes the importance of listening to what they have to say. The speaker encourages leaders to have humility and accept imperfection in their team, and to work together to grow and improve. The talk ends with a prayer asking for guidance and transformation.

Let's continue with our teaching. Once upon a time there was a man sitting on the side of the road, a traveler passed by and said, "Listen, tell me, what are the people who live in this place like?" the man who was sitting there said, “How are people? Excellent”. He told her "the people where I come from are horrible, critical, gossipy." “Well, he told her, you won't find anything different here. People are very similar."

The man continued sitting there and after a while another traveler came and asked him the same question “Listen, what are the people in this place like? What people am I going to meet? "Tell me, what are the people like where you come from?" "Oh! I come from a place where people are kind, beautiful, precious, kind, charming, generous, trustworthy." "Well, you'll find the same thing here." For what reason?

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