Perpetual growth

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: An excellent minister is always in a continuous state of development and growth. They are aware that their ministry journey is a long career that requires persistence in the pursuit of excellence. They are always looking for ways to improve their personal mastery, character development, ministerial knowledge, relationships, and more. They strive to become more like Jesus and never think they have reached their full potential. This ethic of perpetual improvement allows God to intervene and send spiritual nutrients to help them become extraordinary servants who reflect the excellence of His heavenly Father.

A person, an excellent minister, is in a continuous state of development. He is always aware that the ministry journey is a long career that requires persistence in the pursuit of excellence. He knows there is always something new to learn, a character trait to improve, a new reading to do, a new skill to add. It is a person who is in a perpetual state of growth, in a continuous state of self-improvement and improvement of his performance in Christian service.

When I say that, I see in my mind an arrow perpetually traveling in the sky towards a target that cannot be seen from as far away as it is, and the arrow will never hit its target. This is how the servant must be, the servant of God, always growing, always developing, always looking for a higher level of development, be it at the level of personal mastery and character development, overcoming defects, growth of ministerial knowledge, relationships with his parishioners, with his colleagues, children, family, etc.

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