Only a spiritual vitality anchored in Jesus Christ can result in an effective and lasting ministry

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: To have a successful ministry, a minister needs to have a robust and superabundant spirituality. This energy is needed for our own consumption and to share with those we serve. A vital spirituality is required, linked in the word and rooted in Christ, which results in an effervescence and vitality of the spirit that allows us to touch, impact, inspire, infect, and bless others. It is important to always seek a high level of spiritual vitality and to drink from the waters of the Spirit when feeling dry or tired.

To carry out a ministry of excellence and effectiveness requires spiritual vitality. The minister, the servant of God, serves on the basis of the abundance of spiritual energy and the presence of the Holy Spirit in him or her. We even serve the excess, I believe, of spiritual energy in us. To successfully meet the challenges of ministry, we will need a robust and superabundant spirituality.

There is an energy that we need for our own consumption, to simply process the events, challenges and needs of everyday life. Like the wise virgins, we need oil for our own lamp, but we also need it to share with those we serve.

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