Danger of collapse

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The story is about a once beautiful children's hospital that was abandoned and left to decay for 25 years. The author compares the building to our spiritual lives, where we can become alienated and not notice the deterioration of our faith. We need to continually seek God and His mercy, cling to Him, bear fruit, and trade our life for His. Otherwise, we risk falling into spiritual vandalism and losing our foundation.

In 1989 I was studying Psychiatry and although I specialized in treating adults, I had to do a brief rotation through the specialty for children and I did it at the 'Pedro Borrás' children's hospital. A majestic multi-story castle-like building, an architectural beauty of our capital and with a great income capacity.

That same year it was closed for repairs and sadly time began to run and with it came vandalism. One fine day the windows and doors disappeared, the bathrooms were destroyed without the furniture they used to have, the tiles on the walls disappeared and nobody noticed or at least that is what could be supposed.

Other publications related to "Danger of collapse":

Alberto González Muñoz
Avoiding the fall
Article about the importance of remaining spiritually vigilant and dependent on the Holy Spirit to avoid falling away from Gods purpose.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
The value of not neglecting the spiritual life
A discussion on the importance of maintaining a strong spiritual life through prayer and reliance on God, as taught in the book of Nehemiah, to combat the enemys attempts to tear down our spiritual walls in a world of moral and spiritual ruin.