Avoiding the fall
Alberto González MuñozThe Bible clearly warns that we can all fall. Of course it does not refer to the physical falls that are so common to humans. As a general rule, it is easy to trip, lose balance and fall to the floor . I have seen many times, that unless the person is badly beaten and injured by the fall or is an old man or woman who cannot get up on his own, those who stumble and fall try to get up quickly while looking to the sides in the hope of no one has observed them. The same happens when they stumble, even if they do not fall completely. The mere fact of tripping embarrasses us even though it is a normal and everyday event.
I do not know why, darkly, the habit of laughing or making fun when someone falls is so common. I have seen situations in which those who have fallen have to plead with those next to them: "Don't laugh anymore and help me up."