Passion is required when we pray to the Lord

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Jabes, a character from the Bible, had a difficult childhood due to being named after his mother's painful childbirth. However, he realized he could turn to God for help and called upon the powerful God of Israel. Jabes' passionate cry for a blessing shows the importance of intensity and urgency in prayer. The Bible is filled with examples of desperate characters who take power from God through their unwavering faith and focus. We must cultivate that sense of passion and focus in our own prayer lives to receive blessings from God.

Jabes is a character who has substance, a man who has been formed in the crucible of perhaps a lonely and painful childhood due to that spiritual weight that his mother put on him when she gave him a name that meant pain due to the painful childbirth that she had. , and did not realize that by giving this name he was like chaining his son to a life of failure.

Thank God Jabes realized in time that there was an alternative and cried out to God, and there I want to take the thread of our meditation on this occasion. Going to chapter 4 verse 10, the second verse of this little chapter that is enclosed here among these lists of anonymous characters who are descendants of Judah, says that: "Jabesh called on the God of Israel."

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