Stand firm on the promises of God

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Paul advises to focus on letting God know our needs and keeping our gaze fixed on Jesus through prayer to experience the peace of God. Instead of frantically running around when problems arise, spending more time in prayer and meditation on God can lead to better emotional and physical health and greater achievements in life. The spiritual principle of standing firm against the attacks of the devil is also discussed, with the idea of resisting firmly and standing on God's promises being enough to overcome any storm that comes our way. By keeping our gaze on God, we can experience the powerful peace that will give us victory.

Paul says, in effect: “Let nothing in this world take away your peace. Rather, focus your energies on letting God know what you need. And by keeping your gaze fixed on Jesus Christ through prayer, you will experience the inexplicable peace of God. " Beautiful recipe for emotional health!

If instead of running here and there frantically when problems come our way, we spent more time in the prayer room and meditated more on God, we would be healthier, we would be less physically exhausted, and we would achieve much more in life.

This idea reminds us of the spiritual principle Paul uses in Ephesians 6: 10-19 regarding spiritual warfare. There we are called to put on the full armor of God, so that we can "stand firm" against the attacks of the devil. Three times in this passage the idea of standing firm is alluded to. There is not so much talk of attacking as of staying in position. This expression in the original Greek (histemi) refers primarily to the idea of standing or standing firm, like a soldier holding his position on the battle line.

Sometimes all the Christian has to do is keep calm, stand firm and resist the devil, and the Word says that he will have to flee from us. We don't even have to actively attack it. Resisting firmly and standing on what God has declared will be enough so that at some point the Enemy has to put his tail between his legs and leave the battlefield, defeated and ashamed. Paul says in Ephesians 6:13: "Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, so that you can endure in the evil day, and having finished everything, stand firm."

By keeping our gaze resolutely on God, confessing his goodness and faithfulness, and standing on his promises, we can overcome any storm that life may throw in our direction. That peace that will flood our hearts will be a powerful weapon that will unleash the power of heaven in our favor and sooner or later will give us victory.

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