Our duty: To produce something that is of benefit to the Kingdom of God (Part 1)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: Believers are called to bear fruit, which means living a life that is productive for the Kingdom of God. This is not a legalistic obligation, but rather a result of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We are responsible for living a life that is pleasing to the Lord, living in holiness, and bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. This can be done through prayer and intercession, financial support of local congregations and missions, and contributing to emergency needs among believers. These are basic essentials that are within reach for all believers.

Apart from us walking in holiness, the apostle Paul also points out the importance of bearing fruit in every good work. Many believers wonder: well, what does this concept of bearing good fruit mean?

Over and over again the Lord Jesus Christ teaches us and the other Gospel scriptures call us to a life of bearing fruit, a life of productivity for the Kingdom of God. Bearing fruit is not an option for the believer, bearing fruit is an obligation we could say.

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