It's not about the tithe

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: Churches grow and advance through the generosity of their members. Studies show that 20% of the people give 80% of the money and do 80% of the work in most churches. Generosity is a grace from God and those who give cheerfully are praised in the Bible. Tithing is not the main issue, but giving generously and extravagantly to the Lord is, according to the New Testament. God blesses those who give and open their hearts to Him, regardless of their financial situation.

Churches advance and grow through generous-hearted people. Many studies have been done on the churches, and a principle that generally governs many other areas of humanity has been discovered. This is the 20-80 principle. In the case of churches it is as follows: In most churches, 20% of the people give 80% of the money. Similarly, 20% do 80% of the work, etc.

There is a group of people who stand out for being generous. Many times, these people have been financially blessed. Sometimes one wonders: "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?" Are they blessed because they have been generous, or are they generous because they have been blessed? I believe that generally the generous person is going to be blessed. And I have seen that continuously, that in the church there is a correlation: God blesses people who are detached, who are giving, who are always the first to say present when there is a need in the church, or when a project arises that is going to take place.

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