Do not pray only on the day of crisis

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Prayer should be a constant part of our lives and not just used to get us out of trouble. We should invest in proactive prayers that strengthen and nourish different aspects of our existence. We should pray preventively to keep the devil neutralized and protect ourselves from his attacks. The best time to pray is when things are going well, so we can store up prayer power for when we need it. We should cover all aspects of our lives with persistent prayer to protect ourselves from the enemy's attacks.

Prayer, like faith, is not just to get us out of trouble and crisis. Prayer should wash over and saturate everything we do. It is the flag that goes before, spearheading all our efforts. It must be the before and after of all our visions and projects. It is the element that should base and specify all the events and activities of our day . Martin Luther declared: "I have so much to do that I must spend the first three hours of each day in prayer."

I believe a lot in preventive prayer. Most Christians spend too much time praying to remedy, rather than investing our best energies cushioning and strengthening the foundations of our lives with proactive prayers that nurture and enliven the different aspects of our existence.

Don't wait for the devil to be at the door to destroy you, then start praying. Pray continually to keep him neutralized, to line your life preventively against his attacks.

The best time to pray is when all is well, when there are no clouds in the sky and the heart is calm and peaceful. In those quiet and even prosperous times, like Joseph in Egypt, treasure prayers in heaven for when the bad day of drought and lack comes. Fill yourself with such vitality and power; Cover all the windows and doors of your life in such a way that the Enemy, when he undertakes the attack and tries to launch his fire darts into your dwelling, finds your house armored and protected by the walls of Heaven, erected brick by brick for your persistent prayer.

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