In times of peace, we have to prepare for war

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Believers should not wait for moments of crisis to strengthen their spiritual foundations. Every day, through prayer, reading the Word, and communion with other believers, they should prepare themselves for both normalcy and testing. While it is important to be vigilant against the wiles of the devil, believers should not become preoccupied with the machinations of the demonic hosts. They should focus on the love and grace of God, which are always resting on their lives. The main problem with some believers is that they see the Christian life almost exclusively from a crisis perspective, neglecting ethical growth, the strengthening of personality, and the daily cultivation of the Fruit of the Spirit. It is important to build solid walls to protect our spiritual life and build solid foundations to resist the pressures of the Christian life. Believers should plan for times of drought and adversity, so that when the Enemy rises to throw his fiery darts at them, they will find their armor ready to resist on the bad day.

The time of peace is the perfect time to prepare for war. We should not wait for the moments of crisis in our life and then try to strengthen our spiritual foundations. The believer is strengthened in the Lord every day, especially in times of quiet and normality. Every day— through prayer, reading the Word, communion with other believers— the Christian provisions himself for both normalcy and testing. By acquiring wisdom daily, recognizing and surrendering the areas of our personality that need the Lord's treatment, wearing the full armor of God — we strengthen the foundations of our life and become increasingly impenetrable to the attacks of the enemy.

The essential orientation of the son or daughter of God is towards peace, stability and prosperity. That is your heritage and your expectation. Now, as he lives in peace and enjoys the benefits of being a child of God, he keeps an eye out against the wiles of the devil, and prepares for possible times of war, which will undoubtedly come (see I Pet 5: 8 and Eph 6: 10-13). Such continuous vigilance, however, never degenerates into a sick preoccupation with the machinations of the demonic hosts. She is always focused on the love and grace of God, which are always resting on her life.

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