No one can hurt us

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: The anger of the mob in Corinth could not stop the preaching of the Gospel or the conversion of listeners. God has power over even the most violent minds. Do not fear man if you know you are doing your duty, for a valiant faith in God drives away fear. No one can harm us unless the Lord allows it. Go ahead and where you expected enemies, you may find friends.

While the Lord had work for Paul in Corinth, the anger of the mob was contained. The Jews opposed and blasphemed; but they could not stop the preaching of the Gospel or the conversion of the listeners. God has power over the most violent minds . God causes man's anger to praise Him when it erupts, but manifests His goodness even more when he represses it; and can repress it. "By the greatness of your arm they are as still as a stone; until your people pass over, O Jehovah, until this people pass over whom you rescued."

Therefore, do not feel any fear of man if you know that you are doing your duty. Press on steadily, as Jesus would have done, and those who oppose you will be like a bruised reed and a smoking flax. Many times men have had reason to be afraid, because they themselves were afraid; but a valiant faith in God drives away fear as cobwebs are driven away in the path of a giant. No one can harm us unless the Lord allows it. He who makes the demon flee at a word can truly control the agents of the demon. Perhaps they are already more afraid of you than you are of them. So go ahead, and where you expected to find enemies, you will find friends.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.

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