Luke 5 - My boat belongs to Jesus

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Inglés)

RESUMEN: In Luke 5, Jesus is surrounded by a multitude of people who are pressing against him, making it difficult for him to communicate his message. He sees two boats and asks to use one of them to move back from the shore and better communicate with the crowd. Simon Peter allows Jesus to use his boat, and after Jesus finishes speaking, he asks Peter to take the boat out further into the water to catch fish. Despite having already fished all night with no success, Peter obeys Jesus and catches so many fish that his nets begin to break. Peter falls at Jesus' feet, recognizing his sinfulness and Jesus' power. Jesus then tells Peter that he will catch men, and Peter and his companions leave everything to follow Jesus. This passage shows that as we serve and yield our lives to God, we experience great blessing and prosperity in all areas of our lives. It also illustrates how God chooses to use human means to communicate his truth and redeem mankind.

In this passage, Jesus uses Peter's boat to complete his divine mission, but he is also thinking about Peter's condition and needs. Jesus takes Peter's boat out to sea and shows him that he can provide for him and care for him. God is never interested in just using us and extracting benefit from us; he invests in our renewal and is interested in the drama of our lives. When we give God our all and love him above everything else, he pours blessings on our lives. As Christians, we can go through three stages of the Christian journey: staying at the surface where everyone is, establishing distance between the ground and ourselves, and entering into the deep, deep waters alone with Jesus to receive a fresh, original, and unique vision of his divinity. When we allow Jesus to activate our gifts and begin to serve the Lord sacrificially, our boats become activated and enlivened, and they can be used to bless others and advance the interest of the Kingdom of God. We enter into the true Christian life and begin to experience the miraculous.

Jesus wants to activate and use our gifts and resources to bless others and advance the Kingdom of God. He wants us to live a heroic Christian life, not a superficial one. When we trust Jesus and take risks for Him, we will be blessed and become channels of God's unlimited grace. We should recommit or commit our lives to Jesus, renounce a superficial Christian life, and give Him ownership of our lives. God will bless us and walk with us all the days of our lives. At the end of our lives, He will receive us and say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Give your life over to Jesus, with a genuine commitment, and He will bless you and walk with you. It's not about religion or church, it's about Jesus Christ, who gave His life for you. Live out His truth and may we be compelled to do so.

Tonight I want to lead you to chapter 5 of Luke, the gospel according to Saint Luke and the reason tomorrow I’m going to be giving a presentation at our daughter’s Baccalaureate service, Abigail, our youngest daughter is graduating from Boston Trinity Academy and they’re having a service for the graduates at Boston University, and they’ve asked to bring the Baccalaureate message, and I felt of the Lord to issue a challenge to the young people who are graduating about living passionately and fully and in a committed way for the Lord.

Presenting that style of life as the best platform for a fulfilling life, for a life that is blessed and prospered, not only in the spiritual realm but also in the financial, in the physical, in the emotional realm. As you life fully for God and as you serve him and as you give yourself to him, you know, all kinds of wonderful things begin to happen. I’m reminded of the words of the psalmist, delight in the Lord and he shall give you the petitions, the requests, the needs of your heart. You know, that has been a favorite verse of mine, throughout all my life and I have seen it fulfilled time and time again. There’s nothing like serving, there’s nothing like giving your life to the Lord. And this passage in Luke 5 brings this out in a very graphic sort of way. I just want to keep in my mind, you know, roving around this idea of service and dedication to the Lord being the origin of great prosperity and great blessing for those who take God seriously. And so, here you have, and I hope to develop that and show how this passage brings that truth out in a very, very powerful sort of way.

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