A bold statement

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: The story of Job in the Bible teaches us about the importance of having a strong faith and knowing that God is with us even in the midst of trials and difficulties. Despite losing everything, Job remained faithful and declared, "I know that my Redeemer lives." This "I know" statement is a powerful affirmation that challenges our doubts and fears. We may have to fight against our emotions and biology, but we must keep our confession and trust in God's goodness. Sometimes the blessings come at the thickest hour of the morning, so we must persevere in faith.

Job was a true man of God, upright in his ways. Nothing wrong could be found. God had blessed him in a gigantic way. The book of Job tells us that the devil tells the Lord: “Yes, Job blesses you and serves you because You have given him everything: riches, children , prosperity, great reputation. Now take some of that away from him and see if he doesn't curse you ”.

And you know the story, the trial began in Job's life; he lost all his money, then he lost all his children. Finally, your health. But Job was firm at all times and even when his wife herself told him: “That God that you serve so much is useless. Curse him and die now ”. And these are the words of Job in the midst of his great loss and tribulation: "I know that my Redeemer lives."

I am impressed by those “I know” that appear in the Scriptures. There are many times that the Bible says like this: "I know." (An example: "because I know who I have believed, and I am sure that it is able to save my deposit for that day").

And it is like throwing a stone at the very forehead of the giant. It is a challenging "I know." It is an "I know" that says, "You know what? Although I am going through trials and difficulties, although everything is not going well for me, although the fig tree does not bloom, although my own mind denies it, I know that my God is on the other side of that tragedy, I know that the sun is behind those clouds, I know that the day of my redemption is coming, and in the meantime I am not going to give up. I am going to keep my confession, I am going to believe that God is good, that He knows what He is doing ”.

Sometimes we will have to make a bold statement. Many times you are going to have to fight against your emotions, against your brain itself, against your very biology that rebels against that God that you think as "does not listen to me, does not care about me, is not as faithful as He says. that He is ". You have to impose yourself on that and keep your confession and keep looking for Him. Who knows if in that last prayer that you think is the last one that you are going to say in order to give up, the blessing comes at that moment. Sometimes God waits until the thickest hour of the morning to then answer our prayers. Keep your confession, and God will give you the victory.

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