The requirements of the miracle

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In Acts Chapter 3, Peter and John go to the temple and encounter a lame man at the Beautiful Gate. Peter tells the man to look at them and says, "I have neither silver nor gold but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk." The man is healed and enters the temple with them, jumping and praising God. This is the first formal miracle in the age of the church after Christ's ascension. The disciples still follow Jewish customs and consider themselves Jews who have found their messiah in Jesus Christ. The presence of the Holy Spirit transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary moments. Peter's gaze is used as a way of channeling God's power into the man's life. Even though the man has an imperfect understanding of what is happening, God performs a miracle and blesses him. Peter gives a verbal command in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, implying the deity of Jesus Christ.

In this sermon, the speaker discusses the healing of a paralytic in the book of Acts. He notes that the miracle was performed in the name of Jesus Christ, which implies his deity. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of taking action and cooperating with the Holy Spirit to receive healing. He notes that God chooses strategic people to perform miracles and that the healing is always complete. The power of God is more valuable than money or material possessions, and every Christian should look away from themselves and focus on Jesus. The speaker also warns against worshipping pastors or churches and emphasizes the importance of putting faith in Jesus Christ alone.

In this sermon, the speaker analyzes Peter's speech in Acts 3:11-26. He highlights the confrontation between Peter and the Jews who crucified Jesus, emphasizing how Peter calls for repentance and mercy. The speaker also notes the implication that Jesus Christ is God, as only God can create life. He then delves into the concept of restoration and the idea that Jesus will not come until certain corrections are made in the world. The speaker encourages the audience to ask God for a fresh anointing of the Spirit and to become evangelistic people who are magnetic to others. The sermon concludes with a blessing and a prayer for God's grace and power to be present in the lives of the audience.

Let's go to the word of God, Acts, Chapter 3, we continue with our study of the book of Acts and I want to take this time now. Chapter 3, I will try to cover in its entirety, if God gives me the wisdom to be thrifty and to get to the point on the special points of this Chapter so eloquent in many, many, different ways.

We remind the brothers that we are taking a tour through the Book of Acts with all its very deep, very powerful teachings. But I'm going to just read a few verses, Chapter 3 verse 1 says:

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