Let us contend for our faith with grace and love

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: The Church has had a positive influence throughout history when it adhered to the values of the gospel, but it has also mishandled authority and brought shame to the name of Jesus Christ. Therefore, caution is needed when advocating for greater integration between Church and government. However, Christians have a responsibility to hold societies to the moral and spiritual values of the gospel and to use their positions of influence to facilitate the spread of the gospel. Biblical figures like Joseph, Daniel, and Nehemiah used political power to advance the interests of the Kingdom of God, and Christians today should follow their example. When holding public office, Christians must rely on prayer and the word of God to gain wisdom and handle power according to gospel values. Christians cannot be hesitant or shy when God gives them the opportunity to legislate on his behalf, but they must proceed with humility, honesty, and transparency.

Undoubtedly, the social and political influence of the Church throughout history, insofar as it has adhered to the values of the word of God, has been benevolent and humanizing. Just look at the difference between countries that have historically developed under the influence of Christianity, and those that have evolved under the tutelage of other religious systems. But on many occasions, the Church has mishandled authority. He has brought shame and scandal to the name of Jesus Christ when he has used his power to oppress others and illegitimately enrich himself.

For all these reasons, we must proceed with great sobriety and caution when we advocate for greater integration between Church and government, or when we become frustrated at the resistance of so many towards the idea of a Christian government in our countries. To some extent, the blame for that suspicious attitude toward the Church on the part of so many modern people falls at the feet of the Church itself, for its inconsistent and sinful behavior through the centuries when it has wielded political power.

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