Trials Shape the Character of the Christian

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The Apostle James wrote to the dispersed Christian Jews in the Middle East, who were likely facing trials, poverty, and persecution. In his letter, James tells them to rejoice in their trials, which may seem strange, but as Christians, they believe that all things have a purpose and that trials can lead to transformation and growth. James says that the testing of our faith produces patience, which helps build the character of the Christian. In the next study, they will meditate more on the role of patience and trial in the Christian's character.

On this occasion I want to share with you a message that I am going to take from the Epistle of the Apostle James to the Jews who are in the dispersion, that is, in all those areas of the Middle East where Christian Jews were dispersed in different countries.

In chapter 1 the apostle James, beginning with verse 2, begins his epistle by saying: "Count it all joy, my brethren, when you find yourself in various trials." One wonders why the Apostle James begins his epistle with this particular thought.

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