The wonders of the word of God
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
This sermon is based on Psalm 119 and emphasizes the wonders of the word of God. The psalmist expresses a deep appreciation and care for the word of God, recognizing it as wonderful and testifying to its beauty, complexity, and wisdom. The sermon highlights the importance of approaching the Bible with a sense of wonder, admiration, and reverence, and understanding that when we read the Bible, we are interacting with the same divine personality. The Bible is not just any text, but it is exceptional and truly wonderful, containing infinite truths and acting as living energy within us. The word of God always fulfills its purpose, and we will always profit in some way from studying it.
The word of God is active, alive, effective, and discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart. It is important to appreciate and study the Bible systematically, not just superficially. The word of God should be kept within us and obeyed. It is a two-edged sword that can heal and cut, and we should approach it with a sense of wonder and deep appreciation. The Lion of Judah congregation should strive to become a community known for being faithful to the word of God.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of studying the Bible carefully and systematically, rather than just reading it devotionally. He highlights the personal nature of God and how He is a shepherd who guides, defends, and provides for His people. The speaker also discusses how studying the Bible can enlighten and change a person's countenance, making them more knowledgeable and refined. He encourages his audience to fall in love with the word of the Lord and become passionate scholars of it. The speaker ends with a prayer for God's word to be the foundation of their lives and for good teaching and instruction within the church.The title of this sermon is The wonders of the word of God, and it is based on Psalm 119, which is the text par excellence about the word of God. Psalm 119, two verses, 129 and 130. Listen to this. It says: "Wonderful are your testimonies." The word wonderful is very important. There is a consequence of that recognition that the word of God is wonderful. The consequence says, "Therefore my soul has kept them." The psalmist wants to emphasize how deep is his appreciation and care for the word of God within his being. There is nothing deeper than the soul of a human being.
"Wonderful are your testimonies, therefore my soul has kept them." And the second verse says, "The exposure of your words gives light." I want us to stop for a moment on that idea ahead of the word that illuminates and how the exposition of that word is important, this activity of exposing the word. The exposure of your words illuminates, illuminates. And then that cute expression, "He makes the simple understand."