Faith grows with exercise

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: Prayer is essential for a prosperous and blessed life. We should pray preventively, continuously, and specifically for all aspects of our life, from our finances to our health. God likes specific requests and invites us to ask Him for what we need. Faith is an attitude of trust that grows with exercise. As we exercise our faith, it grows, and we dare to ask the Lord for bigger and more ambitious things, leading to bigger and more beautiful things in our lives.

Prayer is the breath of the believer. It is the heartbeat of the spirit - constant, subconscious, the very foundation of our life. I have learned that in prayer is the secret of a prosperous and blessed life.

We have to season all the projects of our life in prayer: If your children are having problems, difficulties, present them to the Lord continuously. Your finances, bathe them in prayer. Pray preventively, continuously, so that the devil does not have a chance to take away the blessing you enjoy. Don't wait to have debtors at your door then start praying for financial provision.

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