It's not about the tithe
Dr. Roberto MirandaChurches advance and grow through generous-hearted people. Many studies have been done on the churches, and a principle that generally governs many other areas of humanity has been discovered. This is the 20-80 principle. In the case of churches it is as follows: In most churches, 20% of the people give 80% of the money. Similarly, 20% do 80% of the work, etc.
There is a group of people who stand out for being generous. Many times, these people have been financially blessed. Sometimes one wonders: "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?" Are they blessed because they have been generous, or are they generous because they have been blessed? I believe that generally the generous person is going to be blessed. And I have seen that continuously, that in the church there is a correlation: God blesses people who are detached, who are giving, who are always the first to say present when there is a need in the church, or when a project arises that is going to take place.