Hidden or manifest

Carmen Ray-Calvo
Carmen Ray-Calvo

SUMMARY: When we feel like God has forgotten us during times of affliction, we should approach Him and establish a close relationship. Doubts and negative thoughts may arise, but we must have faith in Jesus Christ and His promises. When God hides His face, He teaches us wisdom and helps us see with the eyes of the Spirit. We should seek intimacy with God and remember that He is always with us, even when we feel alone. Through this intimacy, we can experience a beautiful revelation with our creator.

The Psalmist David in a moment of affliction poured out his soul before God since he thought that God had forgotten him. This can happen to a child of God at a time when they are going through certain vicissitudes in their daily lives; and this situation can unleash a series of afflictions, anguish and despair to the point of doubting Divine protection and the fidelity of our God.

David, afflicted by adverse circumstances, in just two verses asks the Lord the same question four times. Until when?

Other publications related to "Hidden or manifest":

Omar Soto
Even when?
The importance of having faith and seeking Gods favor in difficult situations is discussed in this article, along with a personal testimony of receiving confirmation from God.

Samuel Acevedo
You will seek me and you will find me
The article discusses the importance of seeking God in difficult situations and having a personal relationship with Him to awaken His plans and purposes for us.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Create even in the midst of complexity
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses how to create even in complex situations and hold fast to principles of faith and trustworthy promises of Gods Word.

Omar Soto
Let us not get tired of doing what God asks of us
In this article, Omar Soto encourages readers to trust in Gods plan, stay focused on Him, and take advantage of opportunities to connect with God, even in simple moments. He reminds readers that God wants their cups to overflow with blessings.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
God is always faithful
An article about the importance of spiritual connection and faith in God

Samuel Acevedo
My God, why have you forsaken me?
The article discusses the concept of divine discomfort and how to deal with feeling abandoned by God. It emphasizes the importance of sending prayers and being attentive to signs from God amidst difficult situations.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Say hello to the blessing that comes
Learn how to develop faith and trust in God by confessing his promises and waiting patiently for them, even in times of crisis. Declare Gods goodness and faithfulness and keep your eyes on the Lord for challenging faith.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Miranda : God's travels
Dr. Roberto Miranda speaks about the journey with God, character formation, and the beauty of brokenness in this article.