Do your part, and God will do his

Dr. Roberto MirandaWhen the enemy comes against us, it is important that we know what their weapons consist of, and what ours consist of! When David prepares to confront Goliath, he says to him: "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin; but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel" (1 Sam 17:45). David was clearly aware of every weapon his opponent possessed. At the same time, he knew specifically what he was counting on, and what the true nature of his own armor was.
As I write these lines, I am deeply involved in the planning process for the construction of a new temple. This is one of the great tasks that I currently face as a pastor, perhaps the greatest challenge that I have undertaken in my entire ministerial career. It is the most ambitious and risky project our congregation has ever undertaken in its history. I am well aware that we are building in one of the times of greatest economic crisis that has been seen in many decades. As a pastor, leader, and administrator, I have to measure exactly what this task entails. I cannot afford too many inaccuracies, because I know that the financial terrain in which I move is terribly treacherous and dangerous, and that even small mistakes will not be forgiven.