You have to hate what God hates
Gregory Bishop(Audio: Español)
The book of Revelation is important for us today because it reveals the spiritual reality behind the physical world. The Lord revealed himself to John as the exalted and glorified Christ. The churches are represented as 7 golden lampstands, which symbolize the presence of Jehovah among his people. The stars in Jesus' right hand represent angels or human leaders of each church. The first letter is to the church of Ephesus, which was a fighting church in the midst of a city filled with idolatry. The Lord commends them for their hard work and patience, but rebukes them for leaving their first love. He calls them to repent and return to their first works, or their candlestick will be removed. The Lord calls us to be a strong, warlike, sweating church for the Lord's work, fiercely dedicated to the truth of the Bible.
In this sermon, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being a faithful and passionate church for Christ. He warns against false prophets and encourages the church to discern the spirits and evaluate the content of the message according to the word of God. He also stresses the need for the church to be in love with Jesus, to remember where they fell from, and to repent and do the first works. The speaker recommends spending time with new believers as a way to rekindle the passion for Christ and be grateful for God's forgiveness.
The speaker encourages listeners to renew their love for Christ by doing the first works, such as spending time in God's presence and thanking Him for everything. He also emphasizes the importance of hating sin while loving sinners and having ears to hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The message ends with an invitation to taste intimacy with Christ and be a church full of food and oil, always in love with our Savior.Book of Revelation chapter 1, we are going to read together today the first letter in the book of Revelation from Jesus Christ directly to the local churches of the day of John, the Apostle. The Lord spoke directly to certain churches, prophetic messages. And we are going to start today with the First Letter that the Lord in the book of Revelation spoke to the church of Ephesus.
But first I would just like to say that the book of Revelation is something important for us today, because I believe that we are living in the last days. I don't know if it's our generation or the next, but as the word says, time is short. And it is important for Christians to be awake as we have spoken before. The book of Revelation was written by the Apostle John when he was in exile on an island, the island of Patmos.