God's gifts

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: Every day, on my way to work, I see people selling expensive and exclusive flowers. Although I can't afford them, I can still admire and enjoy their beauty. This reminds me of Salvation, which is also free but came at a high price - the life of Jesus. We can desire beautiful things, but it's better to focus on Christ and live a life that imitates him. Salvation is a gift from God, and all we need to do is accept it. He has already paid the price for us.

Every day, when I go to work, I have to go by bus by the “Café Colón”, which is after La Víbora, on October 10th. There, every morning, there are some people selling flowers, but not just any flower, but the kind that have a high price for their beauty and exclusivity. There we can find large yellow, red, white, blue and even green roses, if they do not have that color, someone has imposed it on them. But those roses cost a price that for many is priceless. However, I can get off the bus and get closer, smell them and admire them, because God created them for me. He with loving patience shaped his petals, imprinted his perfume on them, the exquisite fragrance of the supreme alchemist. They can forbid me from owning it, because I don't have to pay the price, but they can't stop me from enjoying it.

That reminds me of Salvation. Salvation is by grace, but it also had a price and much higher than that of roses, a price of innocent, holy blood, which was given entirely so that today we can obtain it for free and yet it cost the son his life. of God.

Yes, we can lay our eyes on the roses and covet it, but how much better it would be if we put our eyes on Christ and coveted to have a life that imitates him, after all, salvation is "FREE", free of taxes and conditions. God only wants us to recognize his son and to accept his presence in our lives, he is the rose of Sharon and there is no perfume that floods a life more than hers.

God is giving you that gift. Take it, it's yours, it's priceless. He already paid for you.

Other publications related to "God's gifts":

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Accepting God's Will - Why Does It Cost Us?
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Milagros García Klibansky
My god is salvation
Article discussing the concept of salvation through Jesus Christs sacrifice and the importance of faith in achieving reconciliation with God. Written by Milagros García Klibansky.