Glory in your weaknesses

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: In weakness, there is great power for those who have faith in God. By acknowledging our limitations and relying on God's strength, we open ourselves up to the full power of Heaven. The Apostle Paul boasted in his weaknesses, recognizing that it was only through God's power that he could succeed. We must shed our self-reliance and seek the wisdom and grace of God in all things. Our weakness becomes a platform for God's power to work through us.

In weakness there is great power. In acknowledging our weakness, in deliberately cultivating a sense of inadequacy, there is power. Why? For the man without God, the woman without God, cultivating weakness leads to depression and leads to failure, and leads to inaction. But the son of God, the woman of God, when he cultivates weakness in the spirit, what he does is recognize, “I don't have the victory, but God does. I don't have the answer, but God is more than capable to give me all the wisdom I need. I don't have the power but God is Almighty. I don't have the weapons, but God has promised me all His armor ”.

When we take our eyes off ourselves, recognize our limitations, and place our hope exclusively in God, our weakness becomes the perfect platform for the full power of Heaven to unfold on our behalf.

The Apostle Paul declares: "For when I am weak, then I am strong." "Therefore," he says, "I will rather boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me" (2 Corinthians 12: 9). A man, a woman, has to first shed his self-reliance and his false sense of independence, and say, “You know what, Lord? I shed all that. Fill me now with your Spirit, and show me the way where I should walk ”.

Our victory begins when we humbly acknowledge: “This is too big for me. I can not. I don't have the weapons. I have no chance of victory, except by the mercy of God. " There begins, dear reader, the power of a man or woman of God, in recognizing, “I cannot do it alone. I need the grace of God ”. Based on that deep recognition of essential weakness, you go and seek wisdom. You take refuge in the sufficiency of the Father. You acknowledge the danger, admit your utter inability, and take refuge like a child in the power of your God. That limitless anointing from heaven, placed in the empty vessel that you have provided to divine power through your humble recognition, will be more than enough to lift you out of the hole and establish you on safe ground.

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