Genesis 13
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Inglés)
The sermon focuses on the importance of balancing the gifts of the spirit and the fruit of the spirit in the Christian life and in the church. The gifts of the spirit refer to the supernatural power of God, while the fruit of the spirit refers to the character of the Christian, the Christ-likeness. The sermon emphasizes the need for the power of God in the life of the church, but also the importance of character and relationships, and the complexity of the spiritual world. The sermon warns against an overemphasis on either the gifts or the fruit of the spirit, and calls for a balanced approach that seeks to honor God in all areas of life.
The speaker discusses the importance of balancing power and character in congregations, using the story of Abraham and Lot in Genesis 13 as an example. Conflict is a natural part of human relationships, but it is important to address it early on before it becomes too overwhelming. The speaker encourages the development of discernment and critical distance in order to better navigate these situations, and emphasizes the importance of acting before things get out of hand. Overall, the message is one of seeking harmony and peace in relationships through Christ-like behavior.
In order to maintain peace in human relationships, it is important to use self-control and avoid using words that can set off a meltdown in the other person. It is also important to take the initiative and seek reconciliation, even if you are the more mature or stronger person. We should put spiritual things over material possessions, and be willing to sacrifice our rights or suffer loss for the sake of preserving harmony in relationships. The Apostle Paul encourages us to solve conflicts among ourselves and be willing to suffer loss for the sake of the kingdom. By being willing to suffer loss, we release power and can bring about peace in relationships.
The sermon is about the importance of choosing grace over self-interest in our lives, as it brings blessings and honor from God. The speaker uses the example of Abraham and Lot, where Abraham chose to give Lot the better land, and God later blessed Abraham with even more land. The speaker emphasizes the need to crucify our desires for the glory of God, even in moments of conflict, and trust that God will make up for any losses incurred. The sermon ends with a prayer for the congregation to embrace the spirit of grace and be like Christ.Let’s take some time to meditate a little bit about what God has to speak to us tonight. If you have your Bible with you, why don’t you turn to Genesis, chapter 13. It’s another one of those favorite passages of mine, that I want to share with you tonight.
Genesis, chapter 13, I’ll start reading from the NIB version: “So Abraham went up from Egypt to the Negev, with his wife and everything he had and Lot, his nephew went with him. Abraham had become very wealthy in livestock, and in silver and gold. From the Negev he went from place to place, until he came to Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Hai where his tent had been earlier, and where he had first built and altar. There Abraham called on the name of the Lord. Now Lot who was moving about with Abraham also had flocks and herds and tents, but the land could not support them while they stayed together, for their possessions were so great that they were not able to stay together, and quarrelling arose between Abraham’s herdsmen and the herdsmen of Lot. The Canaanites and the Perizzites were also living in the land at that time.