Lost excellence

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The story of a man who always strived to be the best in everything he did, but after giving his life to Christ, he became mediocre when it came to the gospel. Many people base their lives on being the best at something and cannot bear to see others surpass them. However, this mentality can lead to laziness and a lack of purpose in life. The important thing is to strive to be excellent for God and fulfill the purpose for which we were created. Laziness can lead to disaster, as stated in the book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. We must raise up our fallen hands and paralyzed knees to fulfill our purpose in life.

I know a man who, since he was a child, always tried to be the best, in his school he was the most advantageous in the classroom, if he did not get the maximum score in an exam, he asked for a revaluation because he was not satisfied with obtaining a grade that was not excellent. His university career was brilliant and in his thesis he was congratulated by his teachers and the jury. In the game he was also the best, almost addicted, losing was unacceptable to him. When he started working, he was an excellent worker, he quickly took a good position and began to receive praise and benefits for his work. He liked to relate the achievements he had and overflowed with pride making the stories.

The day he gave his life to Christ, his whole family felt happy, because a person who had been brilliant in everything, was called to be a "major league Christian" It was frustrating to experience as someone with a promising future, he failed the exam More importantly, he lost the race that would sustain him for the rest of his life, he could not win the ticket to eternity with honors.

How many people today base their lives on studying, on being the best at this or that, cannot bear to see how others surpass them and strive to occupy places of eminence in order to shine. It is painful to see how those same people become mediocre when it comes to the gospel and stay, or inert on the pews of a temple or not even show up in the meeting places. Like plants deprived of sun and water, they grow crooked and stunted, with the passage of time they forget what their purpose is on earth, that they are part of a divine plan, but they have succumbed to laziness and no longer have not even strength to get up. The inertia of the world overcame them.

The book of the proverbs of Solomon is full of allusions to the consequences of laziness in the human being and in Ecclesiastes 10.18 God tells us: “Because of laziness the roof falls down and because of the weakness of the hands the house rains”. Such is the disaster!

It is not important how excellent we are according to our criteria or that of others, the important thing is how excellent you are for Him. That is the only career that guarantees you, Salvation and eternity, nothing can raise the heart of man more than to fulfill purpose for which it was created by God. "Wherefore raise up your fallen hands and paralyzed knees ..." Hebrews 12.12

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