Interview Dr. Miranda : What are the 3 top prayer concerns for Congregation Lion of Judah?
Dr. Roberto MirandaOne of the most important things for our church in terms of, if we are asked what should we pray for our church, is our level of spiritual closeness to the Lord and to the word of God. My deep desire before the Lord is that we be kept in close affinity with the values of the Kingdom of God, with the teachings of the word of God. That this church always from its pulpit has been teaching a doctrine, that is biblical, that is wholesome as the word defines wholesome teaching and wholesome doctrine, that our church be kept with its priorities correct.
The Bible says that if we seek first the Kingdom of God all the other things shall be added on to us. It is possible even for the church to lose an understanding of what that means. We can become so involved in ministry, and in programs and in urban missions and in doing things, and in all the requirements of the ministry that we forget that really the most important thing is to be close to Jesus Christ, to be in affinity with the word of God, to have a level spirituality that is pleasing to God.