Interview Dr. Miranda: What are the 3 most important prayers for the year?

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: The author believes in prioritizing spiritual things and seeking the Kingdom of God. They pray for their church to maintain a high level of spirituality, be a model for other churches, and be an active presence in the community by contributing resources to help solve social problems. They caution against sacrificing the values of the Kingdom of God in order to cooperate with the secular world.

For me one of the most fundamental verses of the Christian life is the word of Jesus Christ who says "seek first the Kingdom of God and his justice and other things will come in addition." Another verse that I believe is related to that word is the one in the Old Testament that says that "it is not with the sword, nor with armies, but with my spirit," says the Lord.

These two verses have something in common and that is that they invite us to keep our eyes fixed on spiritual things as the basis of everything else. If our spiritual life, if our level of spiritual anointing is where it should be, generally the other things are going to fall into place little by little.

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