Interview Dr. Miranda: Vision - León de Judá in 5 years

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español, Inglés) ->Original

RESUMEN: In 5 years, the church hopes to have a new, modern sanctuary that can accommodate more people and stage larger events. The church also wants to have a greater impact in the English-speaking community and share their strong and passionate spirituality. They want to be more involved in media and use it to reach more people. The church also wants to be more involved in community service and become a source of influence in all dimensions of community life. Additionally, they want to continue improving their administrative systems and maintain their financial resources.

In 5 years where would we like our church to be? Well, one of the things that I would love to see is that if someone leaves here in Boston and comes back in 5 years, and this is a big dream that I have before the Lord, I would like them to find out where our parking lot is currently in the part of behind our building, you will find a beautiful sanctuary with a large balcony and a very modern façade that speaks of the validity of the church in the modern world and its progressive character, so I am asking you to the Lord to give us the power, the ability to build a temple that can accommodate more people and that can contain a little more than the people that God is helping us to bring with more comfort and more freedom to be able to worship the Lord and stage dramas , and other things on a much broader platform than what we currently have.

Second, I would like to see our church having a greater impact, not only in the Latino community, but also in the English-speaking world. I believe that the Hispanic community in the US has been called to bless this nation, we are not only immigrants who come from Latin America to receive in this country, but I believe that God has also allowed us to bring to this nation a series of cultural values , spiritual and a collective temperament that has immense potential to bless this culture in which we find ourselves. The Hispanic with his love for the family, with his healthy fear of God, with his religious, spiritual background that has him in a basic way of his sensitivity, with his affection, his warm nature, his hospitality, his tendency towards friendship, These are things that the European world here in the US strongly needs, and therefore we have much to bless, through which to bless our community.

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