Interview Dr. Miranda : What do you envision five years from now for Congregation Lion of Judah?

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Inglés, Español) ->Alternate

RESUMEN: The pastor envisions significant progress for their church in the next five years. They hope to have a modern sanctuary built on their parking lot, expand their influence beyond the Hispanic community, develop strong media ministries, impact all areas of society through social outreach, and improve their administration for better management of resources. The pastor believes that the church has a responsibility to impact all dimensions of human life and bring glory to God through their actions.

If I were asked what I would like to see in 5 years in terms of progress for our church, if somebody were to leave our church today and come back in 5 years, what would I like to see them encountering, what changes to observe. One of the most basic things, the very physical, very fundamental, is I would like to walk to our present parking lot at the back of this building and instead of an empty space to find a beautiful, modern, sanctuary with one floor on top for additional classrooms and offices, mounted on pillars so that we do not lose our parking spaces in the bottom that we can use for daily activities here at the church, and parking for personnel and parishioners.

I think that it is so important because now we have pretty much out-roomed our present facilities, and remember we have two services but we’re pretty close to the point when we are absolutely requiring a larger space, and being able to place a building back there, would enable us to enhance and expand our worship space significantly at a greatly reduced cost. When you compare what it would cost us to go to another part of the city, for example, we would be able to have then three buildings all connected in the inside, the one that we purchased in Northampton and Harrison Avenue, this present building and the one behind there, and I think that would enable us to have a small campus that would allow us to carry out most of the operations that we see God leading us toward.

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