Enter the diversity of gifts

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and has an essential role in the life of the believer. It leads us towards all truth, communicates us better with Jesus, strengthens us when we are weak, illuminates our understanding, and pours out supernatural gifts. The Holy Spirit can manifest itself in different ways in the life of the Son of God, and there are not only 9 gifts but a diversity of gifts. God wants to distribute His gifts among His people and raise up a varied people. The Lord is saying that He has no limits in His ability, and He can hold any problem and any situation to His good will and give a solution to your problem. The teachers are called to believe for a special endowment of power to be life in those classrooms and to be a presence of the Kingdom of God in those places. God is going to spread His spirit specifically through the believing teachers, the Christian teachers. There is a new anointing, a fresh anointing on God's deer and His hinds, who are placed in places of influence to influence lives. We are not going to continue living on the defensive, complaining about the devil that roams our schools and wreaks havoc among our children.

The pastor prays for different groups of people in the church, including those who work in education, social services, healthcare, and various ministries within the church. He emphasizes that each person has a unique gift from God that can benefit the church and the world. He encourages everyone to use their gifts and trust in God's power to accomplish great things. He also believes that a great harvest of souls is coming and more people will be needed to use their gifts in the Kingdom of God.

The speaker believes that God wants to endow Christians with gifts, including the ability to make money and give generously to the church. He shares a vision of a new sanctuary and encourages members to develop their spiritual gifts, particularly in counseling. He commissions those who feel called to counseling to begin exercising their gift and declares an anointing over them to be healers in the community. He also asks God to provide financial support for the church's needs.

The speaker declares divine appointments and blessings for the people of Boston. They ask for God to open their eyes and mobilize an army of healers. They bless the efforts to raise up parents, counselors, and social workers. The speaker references Ezekiel 47 and the river of life that brings healing to all nations. They declare that healing waters will come out of the church and other churches for the city of Boston and the state of Massachusetts. The speaker asks for the Holy Spirit to flow and heal the nations with the gifts that God places in his people. They end with a song about the river of life flowing from God's throne.

I want to invite you to go to the word of God this morning, First Corinthians. Remember First Corinthians, Chapter 12? Three weeks ago, 21 days more or less, maybe a little less. I started a meditation on Chapter 12 of First Corinthians and during the last two weeks we have had special guests or special guests, and we had to stop the meditation for a little bit.

Remember that all these weeks the Lord has been taking us through the subject of the Holy Ghost and the filling of the Holy Ghost, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost-filled life. It is a very important topic, a topic that every believer should know about. Unfortunately there is a lot of ignorance about it and God does not want us to be ignorant of the intricacies of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and has an essential role in the life of the believer. Christ saves us, he communicates us with the Father, he is an intermediary and God also manifests himself through his Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is that executive agent that God has sent to earth to strengthen his church while his church is here on earth, to pour out gifts on the people of God so that the people of God can reach the goal that God has raised it, so that the people of God have the necessary power to evangelize the world, to live in holiness, to heal their wounds, to be effective witnesses of the Kingdom of God and many other things that the Holy Spirit does. As we have seen, it leads us towards all truth, it communicates us better with the person of Jesus, it strengthens us when we are weak, it illuminates our understanding and it pours out supernatural gifts as well, which allow, as we had a prophetic word this afternoon that agrees with what the Lord put it in my heart to call the church to consecration.

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