Teach us to pray

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

RESUMEN: Learning to pray can be challenging, as we often expect quick answers from God. Patience is a key ingredient in prayer, as it is a fruit of the Spirit. Prayer is a necessity for every Christian, as it is the only way to maintain a relationship with God and communicate our feelings, anxieties, and worries. We should pray at all times, not just in times of tribulation. Jesus' prayer life can serve as a model for us, as he prayed with sincerity and simplicity of heart. Our prayers should be focused and not filled with idle talk or repetition. The model prayer that Christ showed us (known as the Lord's Prayer) includes confession of sins, praise, supplications or requests, and thanksgiving (summarized as HOUSE). We should keep our atmosphere well oxygenated and maintain communion with God at all times.

I have been receiving in the last few days a recurring request from several people asking for help in learning to pray. Something that seems so simple to us becomes complicated because we expect quick answers from God, according to our wishes and in accordance with our criteria of need. One of the main ingredients when cooking our time of Prayer is patience, which is also one of the fruits of the Spirit “Why are you downcast, my soul, And are you troubled within me? Wait on God; for I still have to praise him, my salvation and my God ”(Psalm 42.5).

The true need that every Christian has is to pray, that is a necessity, if we take into account that it is the only tool we have to be in contact with our Creator, there is no other way to maintain a relationship with Him, there is no another way in which we can communicate our feelings, anxieties, worries and although we know with all certainty that "Well, the word is not yet on my tongue, And behold, O Jehovah, you know it all" (Psalm 139.4), it is the only way we have to show our dependence on Him. It is true that God does not answer many of our prayers quickly and this is intended to maintain our perseverance in them.

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