The value of the Christian's moral purity

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

: Holiness is not optional, but imperative. As Christians, we need to constantly reform and renew ourselves to bear witness to Christ. The Holy Spirit allows us to confront our realities and remember our commitment to Him. We need to dedicate ourselves each day to the power of the Gospel and the direction of the Spirit. Just like Nehemiah had to re-discipline and reform the people, we need to put order in our lives and strive for holiness. Moral purity is essential in the chain of holiness and a great challenge in a world where moral values are declining. We need to be workers of value and light and salt of the earth.

Holiness is serious business. It is not optional, but imperative. As we are not perfect while we are in this world, it is more motivating to be better in Christ every day in all areas of life. The world will see Christ in our acts of good faith and in our genuine dedication to the Lord as he makes possible the process of sanctification in the lives of his children. But as individuals and as a church, we reform and renew ourselves it constantly constitutes a spiritual value with which we bear witness. The world has little to offer us ethically and morally.

The apostle Paul in his letter to Titus said: “He saved us, not by our own works of justice but by his mercy. He saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit ”(Tit 3.5). We live in a world where temptation is not difficult. Walking against the current is very complicated; every day the enemy disguises himself as an "angel of light" and tries to get us to join his troupe. Only in an intimate relationship with the Lord does the Holy Spirit allow us to open our spiritual eyes, confront our realities, and remember the commitment we have made to Him. Christians need to re-dedicate and re-consecrate ourselves each day with the power of the Gospel and the direction of the Spirit, reformer and renovator of who we are in Christ.

"The value of the Christian's moral purity":

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