The formative process of Christ

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: To achieve greatness in the Kingdom of God, we must first go through a formative process of brokenness and humiliation, just as Jesus did by emptying Himself and dying on the cross. This is the legitimate way to reach power and authority in the Kingdom of God. We must ask the Father to work in our lives and form our character like that of Christ so that we can be used as instruments of His grace.

We continue with the study where the mother of the sons of Zebedee approaches the Lord asking him for a preferential place to the left and to the right of the Lord Jesus Christ when He is sitting on His Throne, and that the Lord asks her: well, are you here? willing to pay the price, and your children, of that chosen place?

And we remembered that to reach greatness in the Kingdom of God we must first go through a formative process, a process of brokenness and humiliation. We remember what the Bible says, in Philippians chapter 2 verses 5 to 11 the apostle Paul calls them and says: "Let there be in you the same feeling that was in Christ Jesus, who being equal to God did not take to be equal to God as something to cling to but humbled himself, assumed the form of a servant, emptied himself and mounted on the cross to a death unworthy of Him, and humbled himself to the Father. "

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